Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's "Morning in America."

Twenty years later...

And the kindly old screen actor from California said.. 'Let there be morning in America..'

For he saw that it was good.

Of course, this was before exploding space shuttles and the Drug War and Fox News and Monster Energy drinks and forty thousand varieties of craft beer and downsizing and rightsizing and re-shoring and regime changing and giant televised burning buildings...

But for a time, it was good.

Nostalgia doesn't exist in the morning. At first, there was some question of setting up a special blue ribbon commission to study whether permanent mornings could be hazardous to the health and welfare of the populace, but there was no question that mornings were when people were most productive and calm, unless you were old or poor or differently-abled? So people went to work and school and enjoyed the "most entertaining blockbuster epic since the last one" until some European guy who should have been off polishing magnets at CERN went ahead and screwed the whole thing up by giving away "the whole shooting match" in the form of lots of interconnected pages of text on computers.

And boy oh boy, did everybody get BUSY then!

Still, for a long time, it was good.

Since no one important had a soul in decades, being busy was a good way to get on with it and figure it all out and get in touch with yourself at this very important time in your life! This was widely considered to be where it was and since no one bothered much anymore to have neighbors or time alone or family they saw more than once a year at the "approved time of inclusive likely nondenominational holiday event of agreed consensus significance" for "quality time" and large, mildly indigestible gathering/meals. This neatly and comfortably put paid to the concept of "keeping up" with anyone let alone with the "Joneses" whoever the hell they were or are? Quite possibly, they couldn't afford Montessori or even the gluten free ice cream at Whole Foods?

Still, at some point, a bunch of young people came along, as young, poorly informed and silly young people do and got wind of an old idea that folks could decide who to boink, where to live, what to do and how to learn and after a whole lotta hoorah and shouting and excitement got a bit of a prod in the ankle courtesy of dogs, tear gas, bulldozers, police, a secure and appropriately religious homeland and the timely and unnoticed intervention of the "folks who really do run this here bright and shining light leading the free western nations to a prosperous and secure future of liberty, equality and fraternity.."

Also, at some point, the "communists" became "muslims" and no one really notices. Semantics.

But hey, twenty years later it is still morning and Starbucks isn't Folgers crystals so even if you happen to be poor or homeless or not precisely white.

Good morning, to you America.


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