Thursday, March 31, 2016

Administrative nuisance 3/31/2016

Eventual idea for this blog is regular posting either every other day or every other week.

I expected the past two weeks to be slow because I'm shifting back from Colorado to Illinois.

So, no real news, thanks for stopping in?

I really hate blog posts like this and now you can join in, in a sort of group cry of silent, mild frustration if you happen to be into that sort of thing?

Since no one is reading this blog yet, anyway, I'm really engaged in a somewhat futile exercise with myself, at the mo. Then there is the additional faux pas of using "blogger" of all things, in lovely, modern sophisticated Web 2.0, 2016?

I know. I don't like wordpress for a whole host of reasons and until I can find a hosting solution I'm happy with and or a reliable income stream. Beggars can't be choosers.



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