Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Still cold this morning, but much less frost in the grass compared to yesterday. I found myself enjoying the sunrise as I sat in Lillacia Park. An egotistical conceit, I suppose, but I felt that somehow the park and the warming morning was "all for me?"

What I was considering was this idea of a seeming impoverishment that seems to overtake the "beingness" of daily life when all life consists of is ones labor? Is this not a terrible bargain where one is provided with all the benefits of advanced society and warmth and relationships, but only so much as one's labor is of high quality and high value?

Should it not be so, well certainly, keeps everyone honest in the economic game, yet I found myself focusing on "not thinking" and simply "being" in that Park at seven oclock this morning.

Is it not enough, simply to be alive? Breathing. Conscious and engaged with the world?

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